Why You Need A (not-so-normal) Guest Book

You know that sign in book when you stay at a rental home. It seems like every book is the same ... name, date, tell us about the trip or the house ...
I am always so bad at coming up with something to say and not sounding like a 3rd grader!

So, when I went to go purchase a guestbook of our own I thought I could try something a little different and FOUND THIS!

writing prompt guest book the modern taos house

What I love about it is that it gives the guests something to write about that they can tie into their experience at the house! 
Ex: "write about an item you use frequently that you think will be obsolete in 20 years."
Cool right? Take it seriously or not, it creates a fun conversation for our guests while still being very entertaining for us!

Now, I understand that they may not write about the house or the experience at all but any visitor or potential guest can read every review on the website or Airbnb

I just leave a little card next to the book to remind people to sign with their name and date.

Cheers to be creative!
